Saturday 11th September saw Harrison take part in his second Amphibian Swim hosted at Blue Lagoon by Morgan Williams and Beverley Firth of Evolve Endurance. Once again an amazing event consisting of a 1 km swim followed by 100 m run then back in the water for another 1 km swim and so on. Harrison was capped at 5 k due to his age but stormed out of the water first and finished the 5 k in a very fast time of 1 hour 6 minutes and 50 seconds. Thanks once again to Gary Flack of That Foto Sports Photography for his incredible shots of Harrison and the other competitors on the day. Thank you also to Evolve Endurance for putting on such an amazing event. Thank you also to Raceskin for sponsoring the photos. Harrison says he’ll see you next year for the 10 K
Here are a few amazing shots from the day.
Smile for Gary Concentration Ready for the off Mass Start He’s off Chasing Gemma on the Paddleboard Flying Flying through the air Perfect Streamline Dive Finish Line Finished Finished with a Smile