Belvoir Castle (Castle Race Series)

Standard Olympic Distance Triathlon – 28.7.24

My one and only Standard Olympic distance triathlon of 2024 was held in the stunning grounds of Belvoir Castle near Grantham. The weather was glorious and I was looking forward to a new challenge on a course I’d never raced before.

Unfortunately my race didn’t quite go as planned – I had a cracking 1500 swim in a big field of athletes, managing to get away first and pull away from the masses opening up a big lead. I exited the lake with nearly a 2 minute lead in 19.24. A long run into T1 and I went out on the bike in the lead. The bike leg was going well, I was in the lead pack when disaster struck at 20k, I slid round a corner and down a hill and came off for only the second time.

Pride well and truly dented, I dusted myself off and completed the last 22k with grazes and bleeding cuts. T2 was fast considering the pain, I did think about giving up, just for a second, but Triathletes are hard as nails and I set off on a very long hot and painful 10k run/walk round the grounds of the Castle. Not the best time in the world but I finished, albeit a bit battered and bruised.

Now to recover for the next on in 3 weeks.

Photos from the day